Sunday, July 15, 2012

connect the dots

A strange problem was given to a group of 10 scientists in a research institute; an earth-shaking solution means $$$. It goes this way:

Input: hypothetical points d_s and d_t
Output: set L of functions such that d_s is connected to d_t.
Task: come up with a set of function(s) L to solve the problem

scientist 1:  It's simple; on a Cartesian coordinate system, construct a line between d_s and d_t. That should have solved the problem. I'd rather not waste a lot of time on this ambiguous problem.

scientist 2:  I would rather have the 3D version of your solution, Dr. 1. That's going to be another publication for me.

scientist 3:  I'll do it in 4D, 5D, til nD. Case closed.

scientist 4:  The problem is too simple, but since there's no specific coordinate system, it would be interesting if I have it this way: hypothetical point d_s is in the Cartesian coordinate system while a hypothetical point d_t is in the polar coordinate system.  Then, somewhere in the middle should be a sort of warping region to connect the two coordinate systems.  So my solution will be an equation expressed in a new universal coordinate system that unifies all coordinate systems.  This coordinate system of mine will soon appear in a high-impact journal.

scientist 5:  Hmm, you're idea is interesting, Dr. 4, but I would rather set up a wormhole between the two coordinate systems.  Then, I'll conduct experiments on that wormhole.  I'll aim for the Noble prize and other prestigious awards.

scientist 6:  O come on, a black hole solves the problem through some form of magnetic force.

scientist 7:  All of you gave boring solutions.  The two points can be connected with the most complex fractal known to man.  Conduct a simulation in a high performance computing platform; modify the visualization by coloring the different segments.  From there you'll see the wonders of science just from the two points.

scientist 8:  Guys, the answer is infinity; and 1,000 years from now, the paper that I will write will be recognized by the whole world for its significance.

scientist 9:  I would rather find a way to reach the aliens so that I can hand in the problem for them to solve.

scientist 10:  Brilliant idea Dr. 9! That would be interesting enough to attract some collaborators.

scientist 9:  Hmm, Dr. 10., I am thinking of the ghostbusters and the avengers for that matter.