Sunday, September 29, 2013

turn the world upside down and you'll get antarctica

For now, we conclude the navigation of the icy lands on Antarctica, and then you'll encounter Amundsen again.  Going to the South Pole is a difficult expedition, but it seems spotting it on a Mercator Projection map is equally hard.  Perhaps even impossible, so better check a globe.

Antarctica seems to be best known for penguins.  So we have polar bears on the north and penguins on the south.  However, there's another "thing" that can be found in the home of the penguins.  If there's such a thing as a "dream product" in the manufacturing industry or in the field of materials science, e.g. something that can withstand extremely low temperatures, both extremely low and high pressures, and high radiation levels, then this "product" exists on Earth.  That's what we call as something durable, and even more remarkable if it's a living thing.  Adding another achievement to an already impressive track record is surviving the hard vacuum of outer space for 10 days.

"Tardigrade" anyone?  That's the name of the extraordinary creature.  It sounds like a chemical name or something that is inline with quantum physics.  These organisms can be found in Antarctica, and the adult ones are about 1 mm long.  They have four pairs of legs, which means they can crawl or something like that.  Small but terrible and amazing.

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